Wednesday 18 February 2009

Lunch with the Brazilian ladies

Speaking to Alice & David in the UK

I wonder what story Joel was telling us....

The cake!

While I was saying a few words.

Our lobby dressed up for the parties.

Joel and the cake
Speaking to my brother M in Brazil
Carlota wishing me happy birthday
Joel, myself and J
Joel, myself and gorgeous Victoria harbour.
Wow, this week it has been REALLY wow! So many celebrations to welcome the new decade that I believe I have put on at least 5/6 kilos with all the food that has been going around, LOL! Must confess that these were the most delicious kilos I have eveer gained in my entire life, LOL! I thought, "since I can't delay the arrival of the 50's, let me at least welcome it in style" and in style it has been!!

On Friday, just before I was about to leave home to buy some flowers to decorate the flat, the bell rang and voila... a florist arrived "bringing" my parents and older brother. What a warm surprise that was! They had written to Joel asking for all the arrangements to be made. Joel, knowing that I wanted some flowers around the flat, made sure the delivery was made prior to me going for them. How wonderful! It was like having them present at both parties. Fabulous!

On Friday, we had the Brazilian ladies for lunch. Loads of fun and we were chit chatting until almost the end of the afternoon. Joel was a Darling barman and helped me host them all. I wasn't going to have any cakes, just lunch, but Joel convinced me that no birthday party is complete without a cake. So rush rush and had a cake made. I asked it's decorations to reflect my delicious hobby, which by the way, I inherited from daddy - photography.

On Friday evening, we went out for dinner at Isola, with its beautiful view facing Victoria Harbour with dear friend J. From the pictures, you clearly see that my hair was already gone by then, it shows that it had had a very long day, LOL!!


  1. Oh my goodness, Odila, what a busy birthday girl you have been. Lucky you don't need to add a year for each party or you'd be almost 60 already LOL !!!

  2. And how beautiful you look in all those pictures! Not a day over 30! In the US medical community we have a saying that 50 is the new 30 and 70 is the new 50. So you haven't hit midlife yet!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow!! What a beautiful celebration! The cake looked delicious and you were great!! Once again, God bless you!!!!
    (here is Tati I don't know why Henrique is logged in on my computer!!!!!!)
