My face as I opened the door to find Lorraine right at our door!

The 4 girls united again!

A toast to life!
It's now, Saturday Feb. 14th and some very dear friends are coming for some more celebrations. This time round the common language will be English, as people are from all over. The decoration I chose for the cake was a turn table, to honour the old vinyl LPs. The dinner was just as enjoyable and fun as the lunch and it had a huge surprise factor added to it.
The story goes like this: at some point during the day, my darling husband said that may be we could be ready some 20/30 minutes earlier, as foreigners do respect the time they are invited for. So, as the invitation had been for 8 PM, there we were, ready and watching BBC at 7:35 PM. At 7:45 sharp, the bell rang and as I walked to the door, I thought to myself: wow, Joel really hit the target, good for him! I had not idea which of our guests was so punctual to arrive at the party a bit earlier, but honestly, that was not a problem, as it was all set and ready to roll.
Oh my Lord help me here, as I opened the door, my very dear Lorraine, who is now living in Glasgow, Scotland, was right there, all dressed up, ready to hug me for my 50's! It was so totally unbelievable and at the same time so real. It was her, it was her laughter I was listening to, it was her bear hugs I was receiving... but how could it be, I had just received a card from her with the Royal stamp... it was her, here in HK, how awesome!! Thank you very much for all this team of people who put this delicious surprise together. Absolutely priceless sensation! I loved it, loved it!!
Dear K & L together with their darlings husbands, came to the dinner party together with Lorraine. I then found out that everybody else knew about the surprise, even Joel and Alice (in the UK), knew about it!
Because of privacy, I'm not posting pictures with everybody else.