Ai ai ai ui ui ui time to leave HK is right here, knocking at our door. We're taking off May 7th. Ouch, this will be quite a task to accomplish!
Well, in my mind it works kind of like this. When you allow yourself to go into a gypsy life - style, you must be prepared for many good byes/ hellos and quite frankly, I think I can deal with that ok. Of course, someplaces are much harder than others. For many different reasons, HK will be a difficult one and today's posting I'll focus on one of these hard aspects, the city itself.
It's indeed a fascinating place to be in. Small as nowhere else I have lived in:
- you are ALWAYS sharing your space, whether it's out on the streets, in the elevators, supermarkets or inside your home... there is always someone there, right there,
- polluted as it could not be (but much better than other places in China),
- fluent on a damn hard language to learn (but thank goodness it's bilingual, English and Cantones) and
- there is always a road work on the go.
However, inspite these complicated aspects and more, living here was AB-SO-LU-TE-LY fantastic and yes, we will miss HK terribly much!
I don't think I could word why it's so good to live here... it's a whole bunch of things together, like
- the many cultures that meet here in such civilized way, leaving us with wonderful life long friends,
- a wonderful public transportation system that includes a sweet double decker tram and a mega long (800 m long, 135 vertical metres) urban outdoor escalator,
- modern and old architecture,
- a very fast pace for everything,
- high tech,
- old Chinese culture,
- back dark alleys (quite often smelly),
- restaurants for all pockets serving food from all over the planet...
... I don't know what it is..., I guess I could simplify it by just saying... I so love it's mood and will miss it terribly much!
Just as I am sure I'll miss HK, I'm also sure I will have many memorable memories of Luanda, when time to leave Angola comes to us. We've been in contact with quite a few people who have either lived or are living there and the reports are all good and that is very encouraging. Amen!
Thanks Hong Kong, for receiving us with wide open arms and making sure we felt totally at home from day 1!
We will miss you too, so so so much!!!!