Last Wednesday we received the visit of dear cousins who moved to Southeast China about 2 years before we left Hong Kong. It was a great feeling for Joel and I to have family near us. Now they are back in Brazil and came to spend Easter with us. Loads to catch up and we are indeed doing so!!

Last night, when we were all in the kitchen preparing dinner, they sweetly invited us to be their young son, Levi, Godparents! Wow, thank you... what a delicious responsibility... so gorgeous he is... what do you think?

Thank you dear Anders, huge honor this is... be sure to count on us for ANYTHING and also be sure that Joel and I will alwasy be there for Levi and for you too.
He does indeed look gorgeous Odila! Congratulations on your new titles!!
Debbie x
Thank you, Joel and Odila, for sharing so much love with us!!!