Life is finally settling in and I'm being able to have my own kind of fun. My desk is 100% ready for action (by action please understand 'scrapbooking'). I was invited by a local scrapbooking shop to give a talk on scrapbooking in a art show that will take place here in October... so exciting!
Yesterday, I took some ladies for a "photo safari" to Casco Viejo, the neighborhood I love best in Panama City. It was really great. We met early here at home, 8 PM, so that we could go together and manage better lighting. From Casco Viejo, we went straight to lunch in a Brazilian cuisine restaurant. We will sure have a second shooting and may be, who knows, perhaps... I'll start a "photo club". Let's see.
Having been asking around for cooking classes. It will be a wonderful way to dive into my new hobby as well as practice my Spanish that could surely do with some heavy practice. Actually, this week, I will go stove hunting. Our current one is kind of horrible.
So, here is to you, me myself and I at my desk!

My inspiration to create, comes from this view I have from my desk.