Monday, 5 July 2010

Our 1st Panama City anniversary

Boarding the plane in Mexico City was easy... I was so so so light, feeling so well, so peaceful with my soul... what a great week of my life that was. I had a good and comfortable feeling of mission accomplished. There were no regrets, no "ifs" no "I wished it had been different" ... there was nothing like that, just a huge satisfaction of being there and having learned a tiny bit from the historians guides I had hired. A huge "thank you" goes to Joel for not only making this trip possible as well as for understanding my passion, not being an obstacle but rather a bridge for me to achieve it. Another big thank you goes to Alice who not only has managed not to get bored (or at least didn't show me she was bored, ha ha ha) every time I spoke about this dream of mine which was older than her own existence, as well as participating with me on my thrills about this trip. Amen.

On another totally different note, yesterday Joel and I celebrated 1 full year of Panama City, a.k.a. "PTY". I know it's quite a cliché to say things such as "where has the year gone"?" or "time flew by and I didn't see it" or "I didn't see where time went", but that is more or less my feeling right now. May be because it was a year PACKED with many different feelings, emotions, sensations, obstacles, dramas and all the rest of it... wow... so much has happened since we, meaning Joel, Myself and darling Carlota (our dog), 8 suitcases plus a huge dog crate, landed here and now, a year later, life is so settled, we both have a reasonable routine, Carlota unfortunately is no longer with us, my Spanish is not there yet but is getting there, we have a good circle of friends, we have an excellent church, we bought a property... so all in all, in spite of the settling in dramas, life is great and we are not only thankful but also loving being here, amen!

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