Saturday, 4 July 2009

Already in Frankfurt

We've made it! Must say that I was a bit on the extra prayer side of teh story, as we were on board of an Air Bus and thanks be to our good God, nothing happened and it was a very uneventful flight.

This time, here in Frankfurt, we are not able to see Carlota. I didn't quite understand why we could do it when we went to Angola and now we can't, but never mind, the animal center here in Frankfurt is well known for being a very good one. We've received a message that she is fine, walking about in the space given to her, so life is beautiful for her too or so I want to convince myself, ha ha ha.

No plans as of yet for what to do once my life is settled in Panama City. I feel sorry that we left Africa before I had a chance to go up to Mombassa, Kenya and visit the orphanage that Alice and David are so involved with. I know, the world has become a small pea, so I'll have a future chance (soon I hope).


  1. Praying for a safe remainder of your journey.

  2. hello gorgeous
    thank you for letting us know that carlota is up and around.
    how quickly the winds of change have moved....really looking forward to your next post! how are you feeling??
