Thursday, 11 June 2009


P.S. from my last entry: my Darling mother read it and reminded me of the real end to the that story I told you of the gorgeous perfect woman on the beach. Thank you mom, how could I have forgotten the very end to that story!?! Here we go.

So, just situating you again,... we were at Leblon's beach, together with the whole 11 million residents of Rio. If Bin Laden had decided to strike any other place of the city on that day, it would have been a total failure, because we were all there at the beach.

Then, that perfect human being, walks by or may be I should say, levitates by, and causes sensation to everybody who sees her, specially a man next to us, who says "as for me I don’t care for religion, skin color, height or political choices, all I care for are the emotions!"

Then.... a few minutes later, a person is seriously drowning out in the sea and life guards in helicopters are called. Again, we have a scene. The helicopter goes out to the sea and when it reaches the person, a basket and a life-guard are taken down by a cable, the drowning person is put into the basket and the life-guard "plugs" him/herself onto the cable and up they come in the air and brought to the sand of the already populated beach, where more life guards and paramedics were ready for action. So, whether or not the person in the basket is your best friend, your worse enemy or just unknown to you, you do stop whatever you are doing to watch it unravel before your eyes.

As the operation is getting to its end, the entire beach is now clapping the life guards and it became a big party and the talk of the moment.

Then, at this very point, what does my neighbour man say?

"Didn't I tell you? It's the emotions that count"!

So, from an anonymous man at the beach in Rio to you,

1 comment:

  1. i love when parents and children have different memories of the same event. brava to mama!
    and to you of course.
