Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Eat Pray Love

Have you seen the movie, Eat Pray Love? Joel and I went the other day and you know what? In spite some not so positive comments about the movie, I liked it. For sure my eyes were happy with what they were seeing; Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem, strolling on roads already traveled by me, all in the same package does make life much smoother, doesn't it? On top of that, Javier plays a Brazilian man, so yet another touch to my heart.

But in fact, these were not the reasons that really got my grip, but rather the "re-inventing her self" aspect of the movie and in that, Julia's character and myself have quite a bit in common. In this life of ours, we kind of design a path for our professional lives when we reach the age of college. In most cases, we'll carry the skills learned at university throughout life. But sometimes, life presents us innumerous challenges or opportunities to change this path and when we embrace it, life really becomes a thrill and I love it! It's not like we are loosing our original line of work, but rather gaining, adding, new skills and with them, broadening our horizons.

Our life in Panama is completely settled, amen to that and I'm gearing my time to becoming an official photographer. The only thing that is still holding me back a tiny little bit is the thought: will turning photography into a business harm my passion for it? Let's see.

October was a cool month. We went to Rio de Janeiro for my niece's wedding. Alice and David were there too, as they were both part of the wedding party and it had been a few months since the five of us were together... so all good!

Alice and I on a "Thelma & Louise moment".
Later I realized that the groom's building is reflected on my sun glasses.
Alice & David ready to accompany
the bride and groom
Rio's Botanical Garden - 1
Rio's Botanical Garden's - 2
Two generations crossing the street - mom & Alice
The cousins together.
Fernanda, the bride, is in the middle.
Actually, without any planning, they are in order
of birth, Ana, Fernanda and Alice.