Do I love this dog or what? Oh man, she is adorable inspite, or may be because, of her personality!!
So, the other day, I had to get quotations to transport her to Angola. HK has some 3 or 4 companies that deal with exporting/importing pets. So I called them, starting by the same company who handled her and Siggy's arrival here in HK from South Africa, back in 2000 and the conversation went like this:
- Hello, may I speak to Angela, please?
- This is Angela, how can I help you?
- Oh hello Angela, my name is Odila Braga and my husband and I are about to move to Angola, in Africa. We have an eleven year old dog who is also going with us, therefore I would like to ask you for a quotation for her trip.
- Sure, thank you for calling. I need some information from you.
- Ok, what do you need?
- date of departure, spelling of your destination, preferred route if you have any, measurements of the dog, dog's name...
and then there was a slight silence and she continued:
- oh just a minute, I think I remember your dog.... do you live in Shouson Hill?
- well not anymore, but yes, we did live there when we first came.
- yes, yes, I remember your dog, Carlota Braga, is that right? Oh, yes, I remember her....
Now my dear friends... how could this lady remember Carlota, who she dealt with for 3 hours or so, almost 9 years ago?? Obviously Carlota showed poor Angela, a whole lot of attitude as this lady was trying to do her job of officiating their entry into the Country with chips and other bits and pieces. I had to burst out in a big laughter... oh Carlota!
Also, the other day, Alpha was walking Carlota when a Chinese lady stops in front of them, kind of interrupting their straight walking and started looking at Carlota from different angles, kind of looking for something on Carlota. Alpha then asks,
- any problems?
and the lady answers
- ... humm... Lota?
and Alpha says,
- you mean Carlota?
- yes yes, that is right, Calota (Chinese are not so good with the letter "r"), I emember her fom the old addess. Have you moved?
- yes, we are here now, Alpha says
- oh I see, Calota has gotten old, no? I emember her, she is so sweet!!
Honestly, someone who remembers Carlota for being sweet is someone who needs to be praised, LOL!!
Yesterday we had a bit of a scare. I had to take her for some bladder x-ray, as she has been peeing quite a bit. After trying 2 different medications with not so fantastic results, the vet said we needed to investigate further for the possibility of stone and or... tumour. So off she went for the day and wonderful news, nothing of the above is the problem. Wonderful news indeed!!
Oh Carlota, you are a pest who we so totally love! Thanks for the many funny memorable moments you have given us!
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Fabulous, just fabulous!

Our weekend in Shanghai was just absolutely fabulous! We had SO MUCH fun, blessings, laughter, tears, history, girlyness, food and of course, to top it all, so many massages! Stephanie planned a great itinerary therefore we did it all! I loved Shanghai and I loved being there with them!
Shanghai was way more interesting and nicer than I could have imagined. I was very well impressed with the city... of course that doing it in great company was the "creme de la creme"! It has its very charming areas by The Bund with all the historical and well preserved buildings, the French Concession, again, well kept inspite of the Japanese occupation and the cultural revolution, the more bohemian area of Xin Tian Di with the many restaurants and jazz clubs to choose from, the more western oriented living area of Jin Qiao.... and I know, I know... all the above comes with a serious pollution package, but then baby... it's impossible to find THE flawless location to live. There will always be an imperfection and Shanghai's contribution is the pollution.
There was a night, when we had what I called a "surreal moment". We were 5 girls, representing 4 different western nationalities, united by 1 common language, having a typical Brazilian meal, listening to a private show of Brazilian music (when we arrived at the restaurant, the band had already stopped playing, but was still there, so with a little bit of "please please please, can we have 1 song played for us? " we got a mini show, obaaaa!) and all that was happening in China, so far away from our origins! It's so interesting to witness how the Global Village is seriously getting small and smaller.
Thank you girls for being able to manage your lives and families to make sure we were all there for this weekend, specially in such short notice! I am taking with me not only a heavy photographic load, but also a comfortable feeling of a very warm friendship that comes with all the girlyness and loyalty that we need in this life. A big fat THANK YOU and yes, life is beautiful!
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
... and off he goes

So, my very Darling husby, Joel, a.k.a as Joelito and Grandão, is on his way to Luanda. Must say that it was a bit hard to say good bye this time. We are used to saying good byes, (actually a bit too many of them), but they are all quick ones. However, this time it was particularly difficult... may be because we have had a wonderful year together, waiting for our new destination to happen or because of its meaning, the beginning of the end of glorious years in HK! You go well Joelito and I look forward to hearing your news.
We are ok with Luanda, the initial shocking stage is over and now we are actually looking forward to see what has been reserved for us! At this point, I just pray for a very smooth move (and here I include Carlota's trip too) and that we are able to find fun in the weired novelties that await for us in Angola.
Tomorrow is Shanghai! Wow, so totally excited to finally land in this historical city surrounded by 4 absolute dear friends! Have already checked the weather and it all looks fabulous. Amen!
Monday, 16 March 2009
Preparations to leave HK are on the way!

Ok, so now that our move to Luanda, Angola, has been confirmed, we have tuned into the "leaving HK mode". This means doing some traditional things like quotes for the move, canceling some subscriptions, canceling the club membership's etc etc and it also means visiting places that for various reasons I had never been before. Shanghai is coming up this Thursday for a long weekend with 4 dear girls, obaaa! So looking forward for that.
But today, the focus is on this BEAUTIFUL and so historical place, that my also very dear friend, Kathryn, told me about. "Ping Shan Heritage Trail" in the New Territories here in HK. Can you imagine that 40 minutes away from our home, there is a Pagoda that is more than 600 years old? I could not believe it when she told me about it! We took a trip up there and I loved it all!! Of course, the great company helped it to be a marvelous morning. In my opinion, the "Study Hall" was the building I loved best.
This trail was a lovely surprise for me and also, it was a huge alarm for me to make sure that exploring a new place is REALLY exploring a new place and not just a couple of explorations as it best suits me, LOL!!
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
What a bad hair morning I had today!

That is what I call a very bad hair morning!! Today I woke up with an alarm clock. Joel and I were busy early in the morning and my plan was:
- get up
- check emails
- take a shower which included washing my hair
- have breakfast with Darling husband
- get properly dressed
- dry my hair
- and leave home together with Joel
Well, it all sounds very easy and normal, but if you well remember, I have a LOT of hair and blow drying it can be quite a task!! Also, I have given up blow drying it on my own long ago, because it gets painful for my arms to do all that gymnastic. This means I have no practice in doing so.
However, today was a cold day for us here in HK and because of what my mother told me when I was a child, I still try to avoid going out in a cold weather day with wet hair. So, going back to my list above, the first 5 steps were easy and very doable. However, as I started step number 6... my very bad hair morning started too. The hair got tangled all over the brush, I mean all over the freaking brush. The more I tried to untangle it by myself, of course, you guessed it right, the worse it got! Right there and then, my friend Tess calls me and I tell her the nightmare I was living and she says:" take a picture and blog it", so voila... my tragic morning is here for you.
Cutting my hair off was not an option, so plan B had to come in. Joel and Alpha, our helper, had to cut off all the bristles from the brush and slowly untangle my hair. 50 minutes later, they successfully triumphed in returning me my brush free head... thank you thank you! Can you imagine if I were alone at home, what a drama it would have been?
Friday, 6 March 2009
Made in the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong

So it's a real fact, life really does go around and around and when we least expect, voila, the cycle has closed and a new one starts again.
Back in 1995, I was sent by my bosses to Washington DC to do some research in the Library of Congress. I was to stay there for some 4 months, which meant 2 in the fall and 2 in the winter. Coming from Rio, I knew I didn't have enough serious winter clothes for a four month stay. All I had were winter holiday clothes, not living in the winter clothes. But, that was not a problem, because once in DC, I could buy myself the necessary pieces, and obviously the unnecessary too.
As planned, I went to several shopping sprees while in DC and in one of them, I got this skirt which I so totally loved and were it countless times. As the years rolled by, quite a few kilos were added to my Darling body and the skirt became unwearable. However, because I so loved it, I did not have the heart to give it away and have always carried it with me in all my moves, despite the growing differences between her size and my body size.
With the Angolan move becoming eminent, which means living in latitude 17º S, I decided to give a serious clean up in my winter clothes and there she was... my historical skirt... I couldn't give it away... we have so many stories together, so many nights out... it couldn't just go to any donation pile and get lost in the world... it had to stay with me forever and ever!! I then had the idea of checking the label for size, as it may be could fit Alice. Going to Alice would be perfectly acceptable, because it means it is still in the family.
Much to my surprise and depression too, I found out that my dear dear skirt had been made in the "British Crown Colony of Hong Kong" back in the days when living in Hong Kong was not in any of life's horizons and.... I also found out that it's size is 7/8. Ouch, that was painful. I was once size 7/8, LOL!!!
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Wondering in my own thoughts!

Well, many photos to share with you, but hey, can't avoid the fact that here we are, back in HK after a priceless trip to Bristol and Belfast. I know I'm repeating myself and I apologise here, but please bear with me... it was a whole lot of emotion and adrenaline going up and down my veins! My thoughts went way beyond the proud thing of having a daughter with a PhD, that too of course, but it was more than that. It's interesting how I had the same kind of thoughts as when Joel walked her down the aisle on both her wedding days (UK and Rio)... flashes and more flashes of her entire life kept coming to my mind. This time around, I had more time to elaborate those flashes, as the minutes were not limited to the lengths of the aisles, but to my desire in wondering... it's just so delicious to be able to do just that... wonder in your own thoughts, with no pressure of hurrying it up, wonder on your beloved daughter's life, looking at her entire life, i.e. from the very second she cried out for the first time to that very second I was in, and see it right there, laid flat on the table... I could see her results, her aproach to religion, her falls, her ways of solving the falls, her great moments, her relationships, her doings and her where abouts... in other words, I could see her all and that was magnificent!
Of course, this "wondering" can be done at any point in time of a person's life, but I felt it more special last week, as Alice was achieving the end of one more chapter of her life. Amen to God allowing me to witness this.
Also, this time, madam Carlota behaved beautifully well upon our return, LOL! We had to put into action a plan "C" for our arrival back home. You might not know, but on our previous 2 arrivals, Carlota played a trick on us and then, I thought she was about to departure from this life.
So, in order to avoid THE episode again, I called Alpha, our helper, from the airport express train to let her know the exact time we were getting home. The plan was that she would leave with Carlota for her morning walk before we got back in. And so it was! We came into an empty flat, (must confess that it was rather weird and not fun) and started unpacking. When they arrived back, I was having my shower and Joel doing stuff. Carlota sniffed him, the luggage and didn't even care to go as far as the bathroom to say hello to me (sniff sniff). Instead, she went to the kitchen to wait for her breakfast, as she always does! Great, we now know how to safely arrive back home, LOL!
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