Today, oh what a day it was! I was blue and needed a serious shake. I think today I reached rock bottom with this China and Angola story and as a consequence, I realized I so need a routine. My old one is no longer operable, so I need to impose myself a new one. Things need to happen or else I'll drawn.
This is funny... when we are in a routine we very often say "oh my routine is so boring, I need to break it, I need a change." Now, here I am, begging for one... funny life! LOL!
So, I remembered something I used to do with my daughter Alice. She inherited a certain gene from her father, my 1st husband who has already passed away. He had many great attributes, but one thing I don't miss is his bad mood in the morning. To my despair, when I least expected, I saw Alice acting the same, e.i. being in a bad mood in the morning. I then thought to myself: "ok, your father I met as a grown up man, but you my darling Baby, you came out of me and bad mood in the morning is not going to happen." As a way to help her to get rid of this DNA detail, I used to take her to the bathroom, opened the toilet, made sure she "scrubbed off" all the bad mood into the toilet and saw it being flushed away.
So, in an analogy to what I used to do 2 decades ago, I took a long shower, rubbed my entire body with body scrub, washed my hair with a head massage, dried myself, got dressed and went out. As a scrapbooker that I am, I went out to do what I like most: take photographs! Joel is not in town, so decided to take Carlota with me to Stanley, this lovely area by the sea in HK . The afternoon was beautiful, people were happily enjoying life in Stanley and so were the two of us.
Hope you enjoy the pictures of Stanley.